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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2018-01-03
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S.A. Kedik Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department of Biotechnology and Industrial Pharmacy, Institute of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow Technological University; Executive Director of the Company «Institute of Pharmaceutical Technologies» (Moscow) A.N. Babikov Chief Quality and Product Officer of the Company «Materia Medica Holding» (Moscow) D.O. Shatalov Ph.D. (Pharm.), Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology and Industrial Pharmacy, Institute of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow Technological University; Deputy Executive Director of the Company «Institute of Pharmaceutical Technologies» (Moscow) E-mail: shat-05@mail.ru A.V. Kovalenko Student of Magistracy, Department of Biotechnology and Industrial Pharmacy, Institute of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow Technological University (Moscow)

In accordance with the Strategy for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, the Russian pharmaceutical market is the most dynamic and fast-growing global market. However, currently in Russia there is a shortage of highly qualified personnel for modern pharmaceutical production, as well as their inferior training. Establishing advanced training and retraining of such specialists is the main condition for the successful implementation of this Strategy. This task acquires a characteristic urgency, taking into account the situational, related to the crisis period, the release of labor resources, which can be used in pharmaceutical production. In this regard, the development of professional standards in this area is an urgent problem. The development of a new professional standard on behalf of the Foundation for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (RUSNANO) is conducted by «Materia Medica» jointly with «Institute of Pharmaceutical Technologies» and «Moscow Technological Uni-versity» (MITHT named after M.V. Lomonosov). The project is of professional standard «The specialists on nanostructured pharmaceuticals manufacture technology « contains the work functions and their respective qualifications for specialists in the implementation of technological stages of production of nanostructured pharmaceuticals, namely the development, process optimization and production of nanostructured pharmaceuticals. The project under development forms qualification requirements for a specialist in the field of production technology for nanostructured pharmaceuticals, which must be taken into account when modifying educational standards, and when developing and implementing educational programs by universities that are interested in this project.

professional standard
nanostructured pharmaceuticals
manufacture technology

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